
KarlRobert2012.gif Hungary. 10,000 Forint 2012. The First Gold Florin of King Charles Robert I . Gold Uncirculated $369.75
I.Karoly-piefort.gif Hungary. 10,000 Forint 2012. The First Gold Florin of King Charles Robert I . Gold Piéfort. Uncirculated $1,485.00
hms2012-1.gif Hungary 2012 Mint Set. Coins with new name $19.50
orkenyi.gif Hungary. 5,000 Forint 2012. Great Figures of Hungarian Literature: 100th anniversary of the birth of István Örkény
Maszat.gif Hungary. 1,000 Forint 2012. Launch of the 1st Hungarian satellite, MASAT-1
remenyi.gif Hungary. 5,000 Forint 2012. 125th Birthday of Coin Designer, Sculptor and Medallist József Reményi. Proof $79.50
Madach.gif Hungary. 3,000 Forint 2012. 150th anniversary: The Tragedy of Man by Imre Madach . Proof $49.75
Madach.gif Hungary. 3,000 Forint 2012. 150th anniversary: The Tragedy of Man by Imre Madach . B.U. $48.50
Harry Houdini - The Magic Hungarian. Copper-Nickel B.U. $0.00

Sold Out.

500f-2012-Au_.gif Hungary. 5,000 Forint 2012. London Canoeing. Gold Prooflike $75.00
3000f2012-Ag.gif Hungary. 3,000 Forint 2012. London Kayaking. Silver Proof $49.50
2012_Olympic_wallet_3.gif Hungary. 3,000 Forint 2012. London Kayaking B.U. Mint Set $59.50
BoyScouts.gif Hungary 100 Forint 2012. Centennial Hungarian Scout Association. Proof $16.50

Hungary's First 12-sided Coin

BoyScouts.gif Hungary 100 Forint 2012. Centennial Hungarian Scout Association. Uncirculated $14.75

Hungary's First 12-sided Coin

Szent-Gyorgyi-Albert-3000Ft.gif Hungary. 3,000 Forint 2012. Albert Szent-Györgyi: Discoverer of Vitamin C. Silver Proof $45.00

Hungary’s 1st oval coin. 1st coin in a new series: Hungarian Nobel Prize Winners

Szent-Gyorgyi-Albert-3000Ft.gif Hungary. 3,000 Forint 2012. Albert Szent-Györgyi: Discoverer of Vitamin C. Silver B.U. $39.50

Hungary’s 1st oval coin. 1st coin in a new series: Hungarian Nobel Prize Winners