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Semmelweis University is unique in Hungary as a medical school university,and also as the leading higher educational institution for medical and health sciences not only in Hungary itself, but in the entire Central European region. It began 250 years ago in 1769, when Empress Maria Theresa added a faculty of medicine to the University of Nagyszombat. Continuous medical training has been underway since then. The institution soon moved to Buda and later to Pest, facilitating rapid progress in the training of medical doctors. In 1951, the faculty of medicine became a separate medical university and in 1969 it took on the name of one of its professors, Ignác Semmelweis, one of the world’s most renowned doctors. Training is conducted in three languages – Hungarian, English and German – and about one third of the 11,000 students are from abroad, coming from 70 countries and five continents. The obverse has the university’s coat of arms surrounded by the text “250 ÉVES A SEMMELWEIS EGYETEM” on top, and its Latin slogan “SERVAMUS VITAM ATQUE SERVIMUS” (“To protect and serve life”) on the bottom. The finial of the university scepter is surrounded on the edge by the original chain of office of the dean is on the reverse.
BU CuNiZn 5,000 [ieces 38.61 mm 30.8 g |